Friday, August 22, 2014

Dare We Say: Just as Good as Grandma's Sauce?

Ask any good, properly raised Italian about his or her favorite pasta sauce, and the answer will almost certainly be either one of two things: Mama’s, or Grandma’s. At least, that’s what the answer should be. If it’s not, let us know and we’ll call Mama or Grandma and tattle.

Then ask about store-bought, jarred sauces. At best, he or she will laugh in your face, and at worst you may be in for an ugly encounter for even daring to suggest a commercial sauce is comparable to a lovingly crafted, homemade sauce. Unless, that is, he or she has experienced TJ Gallivan’s Tradizionale Pasta Sauce.

It’s really that good.
TJ Gallivan's Tradizionale Pasta Sauce
This isn’t food designed by an industrial think tank to maximize profits by selling a gazillion jars of mediocre disappointment. Crafted in a real kitchen, just like yours, TJ Gallivan’s Tradizionale Pasta Sauce (one of TJ Gallivan’s Private Label Products) is a tomato-based delight, built upon a homemade recipe full of bold and exciting flavors that perfectly complement each other. The word “tradizionale” is Italian for “traditional,” and TJ Gallivan’s Tradizionale Pasta Sauce is traditional partly in the sense that any chef, budding or experienced, would be proud to be able to take credit for it.

The sauce itself is thick, tangy and satisfying, not overly sweet like the those cheap sauces that populate the most real estate on the grocery store shelves. Those other sauces cover up their mediocrity with sugar (or, more likely, high fructose corn syrup), but TJ Gallivan’s Tradizionale Pasta Sauce imparts a smooth flavor that belies the delicate balance of herbs and spices, which in turn makes it stand out from the crowd. Mr. Gallivan himself developed the recipe from scratch over years of testing; he sent jars to friends and family, listened closely to honest feedback, tweaked the recipe, and tried again. And again, and again, until he’d finally developed a homemade sauce that pleased all the people, all the time. It can be done!

In fact, maybe you’ve already done it. Maybe you’re well on your way. If you have a recipe you think could be a success, is here to help you on your way. Whether you would prefer assistance with every step through Food Product Launch’s Full Service R&D, or just need some of its Ala Carte Services, can guide you and your recipe from your kitchen to supermarket shelves. Feel free to contact the experts whenever you're ready to take your cooking to the next level!

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