Q. Wicked Wilson’s Wing Sauce? That sounds interesting and it sounds like there’s a story. Please tell me about it.
I grew up in Buffalo and enjoyed the traditional wings served by its originators and others in my hometown. I had always searched for the perfect wing sauce - not too hot, not too bland, not too much vinegar or butter, and with a bit of sweetness and a savory flavor – without much success.
My friend, Wilson, and I derived this recipe by trading/combining our own recipes and making a batch each Sunday as we sat down to watch our beloved Buffalo Bills play. We sampled each others’ wares (with the requisite celery and bleu cheese dressing), then cooling our palettes with an ice cold beer. We then documented our recipe changes and shared those changes. The next week it was the next guy’s turn. Finally after much trial and error, we each thought that we had perfected it through our combined efforts. Our friends and families agreed.
As Professor Higgins would say, “I think you’ve got it.”
In manufacturing though, it’s a much different process. Not only do you have to make sure that the taste is correct, you have to make sure that the ingredients are fairly inexpensive when you mass produce it. Not only is your formula repeatable, it’s also scalable. Usually, one would have to start with a reputable, award winning, hot sauce. That’s exactly what I did, too, by using our very own 1-2-3 Heat Cayenne Pepper Sauce as our base and adding the other ingredients that Wilson and I agreed upon.
We interrupt this blog to bring you the breaking news that Terry and Kim Pegula have been approved to become the next and second owner of the Buffalo Bills! I think that this is fabulous and my understanding is that Kim (the Western New Yorker) will become the chief decision maker. With what the heck has been going on with the NFL with its ambivalence to the domestic violence issue and its problem with driving women away from its fan base in droves, perhaps it’s time to have a woman as the next Face of the Buffalo Bills.
This new product is part of our exciting line of An Assorted Array of Bold Flavors, which is available for your own private labeled brand. You, too, can become a food entrepreneur today! Don’t be shy. Ask me how we can help make this happen for you, by filling out this form.
This is just one of many products that are available if you’d like to use them in your restaurant, as well. If you have your own amazing wing sauce, perhaps you should consider letting us help you with the approval process of going from Your Kitchen to the Marketplace.
By the way, we Buffalonians believe that the term Buffalo Wings is redundant!
TJ Gallivan
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